Wednesday, July 22, 2015


Do you ever feel frustrated or disappointed with yourself or your ride?  Do you ever feel as though you are not progressing or overcoming an issue quickly enough?  Don’t worry!  We have all been there.  The important point to remember is “It is all about baby steps.”

It is easy to lose focus on the big picture and get tunnel vision, especially when the same problem keeps coming up.  This is when you need to take a step back and think about where you were a couple of weeks, months, or even years ago and how you handled the issue back then versus now.  Many of times we do not give ourselves enough credit with our progress because we unable to look at the situation objectively.  It is very easy for me as a trainer and objective third party to point this out to my students, but it is a hard concept to implement yourself.  This is still something I have to be conscious of and open my eyes to see the overall progression. 

“It is all about baby steps.”  The notion that “Rome was not built in a day” is an important point to remember.  What matters is that you take steps in a positive direction, no matter how small the steps may be.  There are times when you will have setbacks, but you must ALWAYS push forward.  You will be successful in your riding and in life if you implement this concept.  It does not matter how many steps it takes to accomplish your goal.  It only matters that you keep pushing and reaching forward until it is achieved.